We help you to prepare for the job you dream

Get more interviews, Jobs, and better salaries by getting certified 

Why Certification always helps 

Research shows that certification on the CV will get you shortlisted for interviews with better companies, people with certification get better job positions and better salaries. Certification brings credibility om your CV, irrespective of where do you get them from.  If you score well, we may also help with job placements with leading IT companies


Build your credibility with various certifications. 

Add on your CV 

Showcase on your CV for quick shortlisting for interviews/jobs/talent hunt

Share on Linkedin

Share on LinkedIn to get noticed by future employers 

Get Ranked

Take the advanced tests to build your all-India Rank. 


Do I get a certification instantly?

Yes, after you complete the test, you get certification on the registered mail id. 

Why do I have to pay for certifications?

Payments are just a factor built in to ensure the seriousness of students. 

I have registered, can I take the test later sometime?

Yes, you can but it is good you register when you are ready for the tests. 

Is this available for a college?

Yes, you can write to us and we will make it available for your college. 

Is the certificate test worth doing?

If you are looking for skill recognition, this is a good way to start. The industry recognizes all kinds of skill certifications. 

I have studied on YouTube and online courses?

Doesn't matter where you study, you can take a test here and get certified. This is a test for your skill. 


Fastest certifications 

In a hurry,  you can get a certification in a day. 

No courses attached 

You don't have to do any basic courses for certifications. 

Industry approved

We have interacted with a lot of IT companies to build the tests. 

Tests of Skill

Skill-based tests which you need for your jobs, interviews, and more. 

Learn on the go

Take Tests, anytime,
anywhere with our Learning apps


Glossread Technologies private limited 

Corporate Office Address

CoWrks Aerocity, Worldmark 1, Tower A, Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi 110037


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